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हमारा मिशन : विभेद मुक्त, समरस समाज का निर्माण
एक साथ,एक सोच : व्यापक बदलाव
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हमारा मिशन : विभेद मुक्त, समरस समाज का निर्माण
एक साथ,एक सोच : व्यापक बदलाव
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We were born to help each other, not to care only about our own growth.

About us

Samvet is a socio-cultural organization registered under the Societies Registration Act. It is established by young cultural activist, vps server social activist and people working in the field of education. From long time most of our companion are active in the fields of theatre, art, and social awareness. About six-seven members of our organisation during their studies, have been associated with the movement of slum displaced, Diara area, jal shramik, fishermen, farmers through drama, song and artwork and have been continuously active in this area. During this process we felt the need to bring the group into an organized structural and democratic framework to function on a larger scale. Eventually the resolve of collective efforts for social change came to fruition under the name “Samvet”. Today it has countless members (who go along in the process), including its executive members. Together, we are trying to connect the socially, culturally, and educationally backward sections with the mainstream of society.

To coordinate and organize these works, the initiative taken by these colleagues working on different dimensions of society turned into an “integrated” organization vps server in 2013, which was registered under the Societies Registration Act in 2016.

Samvet has primarily been working on child rights issues and also emphasizes concerns related to women and the natural environment. We strive to bring about changes in the socio-economic, cultural, and educational conditions of marginalized society, children, women, media, civil society organizations, service providers, government institutions, and elected representatives vps server through integrated programs. For the past 9 years, we have been working in around ten blocks and 60 villages in Bhagalpur, Banka, and Begusarai, bringing about changes in the lives of children and their families. 


We believe that any form of division prevailing in society is a form of structural violence. By putting an end to it, we can move towards building a society that is free from oppression, devoid of exploitation, and based on love. For this, we need to focus on behavioral change. In all our endeavors, we should exhibit behavior that is considerate towards humanity and sensitive to nature. We believe that vps server children and nature are similar; if we nurture and preserve them with love, they will bring back a future that is much better than the present. Establishing human and ethical values in their minds is crucial.


we want to create a better environment free from exploitation and fear, where every child should get happy and contented childhood. They should get equal opportunities for their development, equal opportunity, equal participation, and equal expression right so the future vps server would be bright and beautiful. We are constantly endeavoring to unite every marginalized person in the mainstream of society.

Who We Are

Who We Are We are a collective of cultural activists, artists involved in various art forms, and social workers, dedicated to the creation of vps server an egalitarian and exploitation-free society through cultural intervention.

What We Do

What We Do We engage in surveys, awareness campaigns, advocacy, training, cultural presentations, and coordination with government and non-governmental organizations to bring about positive vps server changes in the lives of children, women, socially marginalized individuals, and minority communities.


Running 10 cultural education centers in vps server Bhagalpur and Begusarai.

vocational training

 regular vocational training in child care institutions and the community vps server.

Children's expression, safety and participation

 child labor, child sexual exploitation, child marriage, and other related issues.


 Conducting surveys, building organizations, empowerment, and ensuring access to government schemes for persons with disabilities.

disaster relief

Undertaking relief and prevention work during disasters such as floods, earthquakes, pandemics, and other emergencies vps server.

gender equality

Gender Equality Promoting dialogue, organizing events, sports activities, and honoring ceremonies to advocate for gender equality.

Survey and Situation Analysis

 Conducting community-based surveys on various subjects and issues for situation analysis.

cultural training

Providing training in cultural activities in various government, private schools, and communities in Bihar.


Creating awareness, submitting applications, and generating public response regarding the strengthening of government institutions.

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us? We are selected because we investigate the social and cultural factors contributing to the dynamics of change and utilize cultural mediums for creating awareness and bringing about conscious transformations. We believe that art belongs to society and exists for the betterment of society. The significance of art or cultural work lies not in its classicality but in its practical relevance to everyday life. We have equipped ourselves with the tools to break vps server cultural barriers through artistic mediums.

You can either donate through our official website or directly contact us for obtaining detailed information on how to donate.

 If you are interested in joining our group, you can apply for membership at the Samvet office or actively participate in our programs, activities, and missions as a volunteer.

Yes, we accept both online and check donations. You can donate through whichever method is convenient for you.

 We utilize the donated funds for programs related to children’s education, safety, participation, and initiatives aimed at bringing positive changes in the lives of both children and their parents.

We develop plans and programs for ensuring a safe childhood and holistic development of children. Additionally, we engage in community-based awareness and skill development processes. We advocate for the strengthening of government institutions that provide benefits to children, ensuring that communities and children can become empowered.

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