Our Mission : Building an Inclusive, Harmonious Society Together

One Thought : Massive Change

Child Rights

 We can envision a bright future only when we invest comprehensively in the childhood of children. For this purpose, we run various programs aimed at ensuring the proper development, expression, participation, and protection of children. Our key initiatives include cultural education centers, workshops, cultural training, presentations, dialogue, and more.

Cultural Empowerment

 Cultural empowerment is one of the most effective means of developmental or transformative impact. It works deeply and actively, capable of touching emotions. We engage in the process of changing mindsets through various artistic mediums such as drama, music, painting, posters, and puppets, through presentations and exhibitions. We also connect children and youth through workshops and training programs.

एक साथ,एक सोच : व्यापक बदलाव

Gender equality

“At every field, at every level, equal participation and representation of women is essential. With this mindset, we work on various initiatives of regular dialogue and empowerment.”


We work to ensure the accessibility of beneficial programs to every individual in the community. Additionally, we engage in dialogue, correspondence, and accountability with the administration to strengthen institutions that benefit the community, such as government schools, childcare centers, health centers, and more.

Vocational Training

We conduct skill development programs in various childcare institutions and communities to enhance proficiency and skill development, aiming to improve their life situations. We support them in becoming self-reliant and capable. For this purpose, we have a team of excellent trainers who are skilled in various disciplines and subjects.

Disaster Relief and Prevention

 We work in areas affected by floods and disasters. Through timely management and minimal damage, we provide support to the community and run awareness campaigns for prevention. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted extensive door-to-door campaigns to promote COVID-appropriate behavior and vaccination.

Nature and Environment

 Our existence is connected to nature and the environment. We actively involve children in efforts towards sensitivity and conservation towards it. We conduct programs at the school and community level, including dialogue and tree planting, to promote awareness and action.


We undertake the process of surveying, analyzing the situation, empowering, organizing, and ensuring the reach of individuals with disabilities to programs and initiatives.

Media Advocacy

 We share important events, successes, and challenges related to our work through the media, so that the middle class and intellectual community can participate in this process through that medium, and our campaign can gain wider reach.

Peace and Harmony

We strive for peace and harmony through various activities such as plays, cultural programs, and events like Holi and Eid celebrations, as well as through dialogue and communication.


Our Skillset Stand On Our Works.

Complete Project

Program Per Month

Our Goal

Become the One Who is Considered a Hero

Our Achievement

Become the One Who is Considered a Hero

Our Missions

Become the One Who is Considered a Hero

Our Dream

Become the One Who is Considered a Hero